Blitz (625/640)

From:Vic E Babes
Date:29 Sep 99 at 18:43:30
Subject:FPU probs

> [fpu problem]
> do you have fpumathlibs installed? if yes type cpu in cli and you should
> System: 68030 68882 (INST: Cache Burst) (DATA: Cache Burst)

>Thanks m8e, I`ll check it out, though I don`t think that I do have that
>library - I`ll get back to you if not. Thanks again.

When I type CPU, it does state what you wrote above - but I don`t have
FPUmathlibs - however, this lib wasn`t sent with the Typhoon disk, and I
would have expected programs that use it to end with a requester stating
that they couldn`t find the library, instead of just crashing - especially

Could you please send me a copy of the lib so I can test it out - though I
don`t think that this can be the cause of my problems. If this does fix it,
and I`m able to use 3D textures in Imagine - you`ll have made my millenium


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